This is where Jack "hid" my homemade card..."and Mom, it really only says
'Happy Moms Day' because I don't know how to spell Mother"

My preschool made "treasures"
Hard to believe...
5 years ago today, I celebrated my first Mother's Day....
1 year ago today, we found out we'd be welcoming a new baby to our family.
Being a mom is something I feel like I have been doing forever...I had so much practice with SO many wonderful families. They prepared me well for some of the "mom" stuff: diapering, bathing, feeding, playing, crying, band-aiding, singing...
But I don't think I was prepared for all the joy. As tired as I am, and as busy as they are...I love my job as mom...
Happy Mother's Day!
Jack's Card...made at school...
I love my mom because she reads me...."Green Eggs and Ham"
I love my mom because she helps me..."Learn how to read"
I love my mom when she makes me laugh by..."being super silly"
I love my mom because she taught me how to..."roller skate" (hmmm...Jack has never worn roller skates in his life!)
I love to hear my mom sing..."lullabies"
I love my mom because she finds time to..."take me to school and pick me up"
I know my mom cares because she ..."shows me she loves me"
I know my mom is smart because she is..."so cool"
I love my mom because she works so hard at..."Being a Mommy"