Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have a 2 year old who:

- still does not sleep through the night

- loves throwing things in the trash can

- finds incredible joy in using crayons and markers...on surfaces that are not meant for art

- refuses to be wrapped up in a towel after a bath and prefers to drip dry

- loves to eat everything off my plate instead of her own

- screams her head off in the car if she drops something

- gets mad EVERY day when I only give her 2 vitamins and ignores her plea for "more"

- gets irritated when her shows are over and you change the channel....

But, I also have a 2 year old who:

- smiles so big it warms my heart

- loves her older brother so, so much

- can dance (and sing) with great accuracy

- exclaims "yeah, friends!" when we pull up at daycare

- puts her dishes in the sink when she is done eating

- declares things as "awesome"

- tells me "this is fun!"

- loves to "read" books

- can count to 14, because that's how many stairs we count everytime we go up or down
- almost always says "thank you"

- has more wonderful friends than most 2 year olds I know

- names all the people at the table on Sunday dinner at my mom's

- bonds with animals like nobody I have ever seen

- carries her special blankets everywhere we go

- thinks the Small World ride is probably the best thing ever

I have a 2 year old.

And I think she's perfect.

Happy Birthday, baby girl!

“A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it.”

Jerry Seinfeld


Nana said...

Her papa and I (AND her great grandpa Red) think she's perfect too, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to spend my Tuesdays and Thursdays with her.
Happy Birthday, big girl; we love you! XOXOX

Malia said...

Happy birthday, Molly! You do seem "awesome " indeed!

Susie said...

Happy birthday to Miss Molly! :-)

rsingh said...

Happy Birthday Molly!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Molly! We're so glad you're our friend! Love, Mia and Ana

Mel said...

Molly has an AWESOME mom. And dad!